Equipment: Fender Deluxe Mexican Strat, Ibanez G160, Marshall MG-50RCD, Digitech RP150.
Favorite Bands: At the Drive-In, Human Flight Committee, Norma Jean, Sparta, Led Zeppelin, Boy Sets Fire, AFI, TwoThirtyEight.
Favorite Super Hero: Spider Man
Fav. Outback Skate Company: Aussi EMU
Equipment = Pearl drums, DW snare drum (damn thing keeps breaking on me), Pearl snare(my back up snare), Zildjian cymbals, DW Pearl and Gibralta hardware.
Favorite Musicians/bands = Led Zeppelin, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Primus, Tool, At The Drive-In, Sparta, Pele, The Slip, Radiohead. And any other various jazz.
Favorite Magazine = Modern Drummer(my bible)
Favorite Super Hero = Batman
Status: Single, but not giving up
My Toys: Samick LS11, Squier Telecaster, Takamine Acoustic, Marshall VS 265, Marshall MG-30RCD, Crybaby 535Q, Jimi Hendrix Wah, Jimi Hendrix Fuzz, Digitech Turbo Flange.
Favorite Musicians and Bands: Jimi Hendrix Experience, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, Crosby Stills Nash (and Young), The Who, John Lee Hooker, B.B. King, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, The Slip, Grimis, Sparta, Audioslave, and Coldplay.
Favorite Albums of All Time:
Jimi Hendrix Experience: Electric Ladyland
Pink Floyd: All the David Gilmour albums
Led Zeppelin: III and IV
Beatles: Abbey Road and Sgt. Pepper's LHCB
Cream: Disraeli Gears, Wheels of Fire